Ronald Ophuis in group exhibition Emergent, Veurne

Ronald Ophuis in group exhibition Emergent, Veurne
Ronald Ophuis' work is featured in the group exhibition Maybe Tomorrow - Joris Ghekiere in Emergent. Curated by Hans Theys. The show runs from 1 November 2020 to 3 January 2021.
Joris Ghekiere (1955-2016) was a "painter for painters": a maker of refined paintings with special formal qualities such as an ingenious play with foreground and background and a substantive load that appears both dark and liberating. For this exhibition, philosopher, art historian and curator Hans Theys (° 1976) made a selection from the artist's legacy. These exquisite works are complemented for this exhibition by three artist cabinets devoted to rarely shown works by Raoul De Keyser, Walter Swennen, Luc Tuymans and Ronald Ophuis, and a selection from the oeuvre of some young, brilliant painters and sculptors.
Participating artists:
Joris Ghekiere
Raoul De Keyser
Walter Swennen
Luc Tuymans
Ronald Ophuis
Robbin Heyker
Anna Godzina
Felix De Clercq
Fran Van Coppenolle
Jorik Dzobava
Kasper De Vos
Max Pinckers
Nienke Baeckelandt
Robert Soroko
Simon Masschelein
Simona Mihaela Stoia
Victoria Parvanova
Zhang Xiao Xia
Image: Ronald Ophuis, Iraq, 2003 (2019) oil on canvas, 50 x 40 cm. Photo: Gert Jan van Rooij.
Publication date: 28 Oct '20