Jen Liu in exhibition Migration Narratives in Asia Culture Center, Korea

Jen Liu in exhibition Migration Narratives in Asia Culture Center, Korea
Work by Jen Liu will be shown during the project exhibition Migration Narratives curated by Meiya Cheng. The work is on view from November 22 at Asia Culture Center in Gwangju, Korea, in collaboration with Goethe Institut.
Migration Narratives
For the project exhibition in Gwangju, Meiya Cheng has delved into the female perspective on the migration issue. Statistically, the majority of the female migrant population constitutes married dependents, domestic servants, and sex workers. The regulation and immigration policies of nation-states reinforce the gender division of labour in addition to market demands. The services that migrant women and women in floating populations provide is usually related to reproduction, domestic caring, and sexual fantasy. All these services require ‘femininity’: caring, love, patience. A migrant status demands psychological labour of women over and above their physical labour. Cheng investigates this perspective with works of Chen Jen Pei, Jen Liu, and Eisa Jocson.