Centraal Museum acquires website by Rafaël Rozendaal

Centraal Museum acquires website by Rafaël Rozendaal
In response to Double Pressure, where Rafaël Rozendaal showed several of his websites on the facade of Centraal Museum, Utrecht, the museum acquired one of these websites for their collection.
In our upcoming exhibition Discrete Objects, Rozendaal will show some of his new websites.
Rafaël Rozendaal has made a name with his websites as unique artworks since 2001. Websites have distinctive qualities that no other art medium has: they are publicly accessible, unique “objects” that exists all over the world at the same time. Unlike video, these websites have no beginning or end. They are infinitely generated via algorithms. These sites constantly create new abstract formations, which produce chance juxtapositions when displayed next to each other. By showing the same website as four instances on four screens, the unpredictability of the algorithm is felt by the viewer. Rozendaal compares his websites to waterfalls: they are always doing the same thing, but they never repeat themselves. The abstract websites provide an almost meditative or hypnotic experience. They function as endpoints on the web. Not places to endlessly scroll but to endlessly stare. They provide a moment of stillness in the chaos that is the web.
Image 1: Rafaël Rozendaal, notneverno.com, 2018, website.
Image 2: Double Pressure at Centraal Museum, Utrecht (October 2019).
Publication date: 15 Nov '19