Marinus Boezem in collection presentation S.M.A.K. Gent

Marinus Boezem in collection presentation S.M.A.K. Gent
On the occasion of its 20th anniversary, S.M.A.K. is presenting ‘The Collection (I): Highlights for a Future’ which includes about 200 works from the collection, included work by Marinus Boezem and, like the opening in 1999, it will occupy the whole museum. In this exhibition, S.M.A.K. wants to look mainly at the present and the future. Well-known classics, outstanding newer works and also recent additions to the collection are to be used to show the position of the museum and of art in contemporary reality and to make new links with other, sometimes surprising and less well-known works in the collection.
With works by Allora & Calzadilla, Francis Alÿs, Harold Ancart, Carl Andre, Giovanni Anselmo, Art & Language, Richard Artschwager, Korakrit Arunanondchai, Salam Atta Sabri, Kader Attia, Sven Augustijnen, Francis Bacon, Nairy Baghramian, John Baldessari, Miroslaw Balka, Artur Barrio, Massimo Bartolini, Gaston Bertrand, Joseph Beuys, Guillaume Bijl, Johanna Billing, Dara Birnbaum, Pierre Bismuth, Marinus Boezem, Michaël Borremans, Charbel-joseph H. Boutros, Ricardo Brey, Marcel Broodthaers, stanley brouwn, Daniel Buren, Kathe Burkhart, Nina Canell, Chuck Close, Leo Copers, N. Dash, Franky D.C, Berlinde De Bruyckere, Thierry De Cordier, Raoul De Keyser, Johan De Wilde, Koenraad Dedobbeleer, Luc Deleu, Wim Delvoye, Nikolaas Demoen, Jim Dine, Peter Downsbrough, Rein Dufait, Lili Dujourie, Marlene Dumas, Sam Durant, Joana Escoval, Jan Fabre, Belu-Simion Fainaru, Christoph Fink, Mekhitar Garabedian, Tatjana Gerhard, Jef Geys, Vincent Geyskens, Joris Ghekiere, Adrian Ghenie, Robert Gober, Zvi Goldstein, Raymond Hains, András Halász, Hamza Halloubi, David Hammons, Karin Hanssen, Heide Hinrichs, David Hockney, Ann Veronica Janssens, Joachim Koester, Surasi Kusolwong, Annika Larsson, Louise Lawler, Lee Kit, Jac Leirner, Bernd Lohaus, Jorge Macchi, Mark Manders, Werner Mannaers, Danny Matthys, Bjarne Melgaard, Henri Michaux, François Morellet, Oscar Murillo, Bruce Nauman, Carsten Nicolai, Sophie Nys, Oswald Oberhuber, Saskia Olde Wolbers, Henrik Olesen, Meret Oppenheim, Panamarenko, Manfred Pernice, Urs Pfannenmüller, Nicolas Provost, Royden Rabinowitch, Jean Pierre Raynaud, Gerhard Richter, Meggy Rustamova, Anri Sala, Wilhelm Sasnal, Michael E. Smith, Nedko Solakov, Bart Stolle, Tove Storch, Walter Swennen, Pascale Marthine Tayou, Javier Téllez, Robert Therrien, Sven 't Jolle, Narcisse Tordoir & Vincent Geyskens, Luc Tuymans, Adam Vackar, Englebert Van Anderlecht, Rinus Van de Velde, Koen van den Broek, Jan Van Imschoot, Herman Van Ingelgem, Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven, Philippe Van Snick, Richard Venlet, Verlust der Mitte, Henk Visch, Wolf Vostell, Lois Weinberger, James Welling, Jordan Wolfson, Zhang Peili and Gilberto Zorio.
Publication date: 11 Apr '19